Friday, January 23, 2015

Proposing My Crush

Love is a beautiful feeling and the best part of it is when the love is not one sided. The person who is your crush now can also turn out to be your life partner.  I was always scared of proposing the girl whom I like the most. Whenever I have tried to approach her, fear of losing a friend like her stops me. She is my best friend. We know each other since childhood and I do not known that when the friendship turned into love. Now she is more than a friend to me and I see her as my life partner.  At the same time , I am scared of expressing my true love.
Now, it is high time to confess my love to her. If I do not express my feelings to her, I would always have to live my whole life with a  regret.
This valentine’s day, I have planned to propose her in an unusual way.
Before approaching someone, it is always better to check whether your crush is single or not. If your crush is already committed to someone then there is no point approaching him/her.
As she is my best friend, I know her inside out. She never had any relationships and completely single.
I would call my crush two days before valentine’s day and fix the date with her so that she is free for the whole day. I have planned an early morning date on a beach side where we would have our breakfast. I have decided to cook for her because every women likes when a man cooks for her. I have planned all her favourite dishes. After breakfast; I have decided to take her out for shopping. There I would buy something creative and colourful for her. It is very important to look confident and happy before proposing your crush so that your crush does not feel awkward. It is also important to look presentable and dress nicely on your date.
At last, I would drop her at her home and say good bye. After five minutes I would make sure that she is inside her house. I would put a small puppy as she is a pet lover and always wanted a dog. I would also put a bunch of red flowers for her with a greeting card where I would write my feelings for her. I would knock the door and hide somewhere else to see her expressions when she would read my message. I am quite sure that this would definitely bring smile on her face. After a moment I would come in front of her and bend down on my knees, gifting her a diamond ring with a note attached to it saying  ‘Marry Me! ‘
That would be the most special moment for both of us. I cannot wait anymore to plan my proposal and the valentine’s day!

 This post is a part of by indiblogger

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Common Indian Litterbug

 The Great Indian Litterbug!

In my childhood I read a popular book by HG Wells, War of the Worlds. It is about the invasion by Martians with a mission to eliminate the human race. In the end the aliens are overpowered by the minuscule bacteria. Things have changed today. An alien will think twice before attacking , particularly India for fear of the Great Indian Litterbug who is more dangerous than the inconsequential bacteria.
The Great Indian Litterbug is not an uncommon species in our Country . He could be seen littering the streets , he has a habbit common to other species ,like the dog of urinating and defecating in the open. The Great Indian litterbug is also fondly addressed as Pig as his habits resemble the latter creature. Just like a fish out of water this species is allergic to a clean environment. He would not rest but work untiringly to  dirty and pollute every clean area he comes across.
These habits he acquires from his childhood. He has grown up watching his elders throw garbage on the streets. He has seen his family litter a beautiful garden while on a picnic. He  together with other members of his species have without impunity polluted our rivers and ponds in the name of religion. He and others like him would not think twice before letting the effluent from their homes and factories into the rivers and streams. So what if the polluted water ends the marine life and contaminates the water we drink . It is for the authorities to resolve such problems.
The Great Indian Litterbug is very fond of plastic bags. He has not heard of the ban on plastic bags. He would look with indifference at you if you caution him that plastic bags are a big health hazard as they can cause cancer. He is not bothered if plastic is non biodegradable. He turns a blind eye when he comes across overflowing drains due to plastic bags chocking them. For him plastic bags are  cheap and convenient meant to be disposed off without a care after use.  
The Great Indian Litterbug has another unique habit of painting the walls  , pathways , pavements and the streets with his spittoon. His work of art is visible all over the Country, be it market places, monuments, walls of public buildings. He does this with dexterity and is a master at his art. While travelling in his own vehicle he is careful while spitting that his spittoon does not leave a mark on his vehicle. He never hesitates to leave his indelible contribution on the walls of monuments and other heritage buildings.
Who says the terrorists are a big threat to our Country . The seemingly innocuous Litterbug surpasses them by all means. So Martians better beware as  long as the Great Indian Litterbug is around.
Let us come together and stand against the Great Indian Litterbugs. It is our responsibility to save our nation from the great Indian litterbug.

This post is a part of by indiblogger